This is one of the older things I did, but did not have enough time to make it into a post. So: the aim is to get a working stream of data from OptiTrack system into ROS Kinetic. A small catch: get individual points as well as rigid bodies.
Ok, first of all – the access to the OptiTrack was courtesy of Poznan University of Technology, kudos to them.
All files mentioned here are available in git repository:
First, let us check what is available:
Motive 1.8.0 Final 64-bit Prime 17W 15111,15107,15112,15110,15117,15121,14908,15105,15122,15106 Hardware Key Toolbox: Camera Calibration Point Cloud Rigid Bodies Single Camera Tracking VRPN Streaming Trackd Streaming NatNet Streaming M Camera M Subsystem M Application UI Marker History Marker Trajectories Camera Calibration Volume Accuracy Tool Synchronization IP: Multicast:
VRPN test
My first option is to use VRPN to connect to it, so let me try building a Slackware VRPN package – the necessary set of modifications:
vrpn is being compiled with -DVRPN_GPL_SERVER=on
I added FindVRPN.cmake to vrpn_client_ros directory cmake/
I added in CMakeLists.txt a line with:
and made the package.
So now to dummy test the vrpn:
edit the config file:
mcedit /usr/etc/vrpn.cfg
uncomment line vrpn_Tracker_NULL:
vrpn_Tracker_NULL Tracker0 2 2.0
launch the server:
#1 console:
#2 console:
vrpn_print_devices Tracker0@
If everything is alright – let us proceed with ROS client.
Compile vrpn_client_ros: (I keep my ROS in /opt/ros/kinetic)
(you can be in home directory if you want, doesn’t matter)
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash mkdir vrpn_test cd vrpn_test mkdir src catkin_make cd src git clone cd .. catkin_make_isolated -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/ros/kinetic -DLIB_SUFFIX="64" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --install
Now an important announcement:
VRPN streams only rigid bodies
Not cool, right? But we will fix it waaaaay later on, in Python. Right now, let us start it:
Create a Rigid Body from a set of points.
Make sure there are no white spaces in the filename: e.g. RigidBody1.
VRPN in advanced options:
Broadcast VRPN Data: true
Now check if the tracker responds:
vrpn_print_devices RigidBody1@
aaaand start ROS package vrpn_client_ros:
#1 console:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash roslaunch vrpn_client_ros sample.launch server:=
#2 console:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash rostopic echo /vrpn_client_node/RigidBody1/pose
a happy stream should be visible.
(PLACEHOLDER FOR EXPLANATION – you don’t need it, but I do:
roslaunch vrpn_client_ros sample.launch server:= roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:="udp://:14550@" gcs_url:="udp://@ rosrun topic_tools relay /vrpn_client_node/(tracker name)/pose /mavros/mocap/pose rosrun topic_tools relay /vrpn_client_node/(tracker name)/pose /mavros/mocap/pose
ok, done, in case I forget it or lose it again)
Back to our usual program – what else can we do?
Maybe… MOCAP?
The setup for this one is as generic as humanly possible:
source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash mkdir mocap cd mocap mkdir src catkin_make cd src git clone cd ..
Yeah, no surprises there. Now launch it:
#1 console
roslaunch mocap_optitrack mocap.launch
#2 console
rostopic list rostopic echo /Robot_1/pose
What’s the result?
header: seq: 3438 stamp: secs: 1519816203 nsecs: 344498680 frame_id: "world" pose: position: x: -1.3609367609 y: -1.55265676975 z: 0.809030890465 orientation: x: -0.0133089488372 y: 0.00888985395432 z: 0.605775594711 w: -0.795474588871
No deal. Also, a note – the configuration file is static and written by hand:
after only pointing him to a right multicast, it started working BUT only for rigid bodies – there is no individual marker info.
Any other bright ideas?
Ok, so again, do the installation procedure for the package:
I did it by hand, so you know the drill:
catkin_make_isolated -D...
standard to /opt/ros/kinetic.
I got a couple of errors at the very start:
missing launch/ in share/optitrack/, ok, I did a copy from src
missing config/ – the same, make a copy
missing scripts/ – the same.
That’s not a good start. Ok, now a quick sketch to get the basic data:
import optirx as rx dsock = rx.mkdatasock(ip_address='',multicast_address='', port=1511) version = (2, 7, 0, 0) # NatNet version to use while True: data = dsock.recv(rx.MAX_PACKETSIZE) packet = rx.unpack(data, version=version) if type(packet) is rx.SenderData: version = packet.natnet_version print packet
And the result:
FrameOfData(frameno=846853, sets={'RigidBody1': [(-1.4107482433319092, 0.809095025062561, 1.4977911710739136), ... tracked_models_changed=False)
Those three dots in the middle are from me – originally it exceeded the line limit in KWrite.
Sometimes the short version is also enough, I needed the multicast options, but just in case:
import optirx as rx dsock = rx.mkdatasock() version = (2, 9, 0, 0) # NatNet version to use while True: data = dsock.recv(rx.MAX_PACKETSIZE) packet = rx.unpack(data, version=version) if type(packet) is rx.SenderData: version = packet.natnet_version print( packet )
Now, if you would like to store a single packet for later:
import pickle f = open('store.pckl', 'wb') pickle.dump(packet, f) f.close()
and to restore it:
f = open('store.pckl', 'rb') packet = pickle.load(f) f.close()
… and in case you don’t have OptiTrack on hand and no pennies to buy one (like me):
store.pckl –
And that’s it – the individual points are there, so we’re finished.